Cracking Bones-Prevent Osteoporosis facebook Janeeyeh zindagi apki hai 1) Hold the Pop! Carbonated drinks such as soft drinks should be avoided. The excess phosphates present in these beverages reduce the bone density by taking away the calcium that is the main nutrient the bones are made of. 2) Easy on the Protein High protein diet may be healthy for muscle building but the excess of anything good can also lead to many problems. The excess protein in the body makes it acidic. This acid, in turn, contributes to the loss of calcium through the urine. This causes the loss of bone density. 3) Caffeine May Wake You Up but Can Crack You Up Oh! That lovely aroma, the first sip! Well, I know the feeling. But that’s 150g of calcium gone by the time you finish the cup. The trip to the washroom you will take after say buy to your bone density. Decaffeinated coffee is not the answer if that’s what you’re thinking. Naturally, decaffeinated tea is better. 4) Calcium i...