Stop Cracking Bones Prevent Osteoporosis

Cracking Bones-Prevent Osteoporosis

1) Hold the Pop!

Carbonated drinks such as soft drinks should be avoided. The excess phosphates present in these beverages reduce the bone density by taking away the calcium that is the main nutrient the bones are made of.

2) Easy on the Protein

High protein diet may be healthy for muscle building but the excess of anything good can also lead to many problems. The excess protein in the body makes it acidic. This acid, in turn, contributes to the loss of calcium through the urine. This causes the loss of bone density.

3) Caffeine May Wake You Up but Can Crack You Up

Oh! That lovely aroma, the first sip! Well, I know the feeling. But that’s 150g of calcium gone by the time you finish the cup. The trip to the washroom you will take after say buy to your bone density. Decaffeinated coffee is not the answer if that’s what you’re thinking. Naturally, decaffeinated tea is better.

4) Calcium is Your Best Friend

Milk is the best form of calcium. Take it before bed and that will help you not only gain the calcium but also help you get a good night’s sleep. That’s two on in, even better. Yogurt is also a great option to gain calcium from. Since bones are mainly calcium mass, the biggest forms consumed are the best way to keep those calcium levels up.

5) Don’t Be a Vampire

The sun is the best form of vitamin D out there. If you have ever read any healthcare article all recommend sitting sometime in the sun. That is because vitamin D is the root of many solutions. The same is the case for your bones. Vitamin D helps you absorb calcium and that is very important for your bones. So get out and get in the sun!

6) Hormonal Imbalance is Real

Yes, you should have these checked also. The hormonal decline is the main reason for menopause in women and ropause in men. These changes can cause a loss of calcium and other nutrients. Visit a doctor and have your tests done. Do not, in any case, avoid the doctor or the tests.

7) Shake Up Your Diet

Too much of refined sugars and starches increase your insulin levels that can cause osteoporosis. Add these to your daily life.
• Milk, cheese and other dairy foods
• green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, and okra
• Soya beans
• Tofu
• Soya drinks with added calcium
• Nuts
• Bread and anything made with fortified flour
• Fish where you eat the bones, such as sardines
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8) Kick Away the Stress

Our body many cortisol receptors. Cortisol can help control
• Blood sugar levels
• Regulate metabolism
• Help reduce inflammation
• Assist with memory formulation.
Since it has a controlling effect on salt and water balance and helps control blood pressure. Stress raises the cortisol level long periods of this can cause loss of bone density. Stress should be controlled. You should take part in activities to help reduce your levels of stress.

9) Exercise is the Key

Exercise is good for everyone. It keeps you healthy overall and saves you from many diseases. Osteoporosis does not have a single best exercise plan. You should have planned the best for you according to what you need to target.
You should choose your routine to be unique for you and based on your:
• Fracture risk
• Muscle strength
• Range of motion
• Level of physical activity
• Fitness
• Balance


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